Choosing adhesives

Medical device designers’ goals have always been enhancing and enriching device functionality while reducing size and cost. This is particularly true as modern devices start acting like complex miniaturized computers for the body, interfaced with microelectronic...

The Miniaturization Revolution in Electronics

In the realm of electronics and semiconductors, a silent revolution is underway, one marked not by the grandeur of size, but by the subtlety of miniaturization. This long-term trend toward smaller, more compact devices is not just a technological feat; it’s a...

Navigating Heat In Advanced Packaging

The integration of multiple heterogeneous dies in a package is pivotal for extending Moore’s Law and enhancing performance, power efficiency, and functionality, but it also is raising significant issues over how to manage the thermal load. Dave Fromm, COO and vice...

Powerful Sensors for the Eye

Advances in integrated microelectronics have enabled a revolution in ever smaller and more powerful medical sensors. One such use is for detecting pressure in the eye. InjectSense has invented an implantable sensor that detects direct dynamic pressure in the eye and...